
New post!

Since I'm afraid Seester might eat me if I don't update this thing every now and then, it's a new post from everyone's favorite band geek.

Boy, Radar got me good. X_x Today was the monthly flea-tick meds, and Radar does NOT like being touched. When I was letting him go one of his back claws caught me on the index finger. It's a tidy little cut. Bled like hell for a while.

Anyways, yeah. I'z got new Tripps. At first I wasn't sure about the black, but the purple stitching has grown on me. These're more ornate than my camo Tripps. THe only thing is that they're WAY TOO LONG. I feel like a draft horse when I walk around in these. XP

Not much else to report, 'cept that my Muse is overactive still. -headdesk- Hyper little booger.

Aaand me and Patrick watched Sweeney Todd the other night. -squee- Any Tim Burton movie is automatically awesome, and Jonny Depp in an awesome actor. Not too bad a voice, either.

But damn. A musical! Did you peeps know that the chick who plays Mrs. Lovett in the movie is with Tim Burton? They have a kid! -falls over- Yeah, I watched the special behind-the-scenes thinger on he disc, after watching the movie itself for the third time (and getting a few of the tunes stuck in my head).


Blaze said...

I can't believe you watched it that many times and didn't let me come back and watch it... I think I'm gonna go cry in the corner now... *cry*

Ok! That's done! That cut from your kitty was pretty clean. Must've been a nasty bleed from it.

And I thought that those Tripps were nice on you. And they're only long on you because you're so short, haha. *sees eminent death coming his way* Uh... kthxbai!

Desert said...

It's a deep cut, for such a scrawny little cat. XP It bled like hell for a while.

-runs down and tackles- You're the only one I'll forgive for calling me short, you know. ^_^

Blaze said...

Haha. You know I only call pick on you like that cuz I love you ;)

KDC said...


You two are so cute!

And Patrick, she doesn't even forgive ME for calling her short. So count yourself very very VERY lucky, my good man.