
Whether or not you find your own way, you're bound to find some way.

"If you happen to find my way, please return it, as it was lost some years ago. I imagine by now it's quite rusty."

the school library has Phantom Tollbooth. ohmgush. i'd picked up a Steven King for AR reading for English, and i saw Phantom Tollbooth and i nearly tripped over myself getting it to the check-out desk. i got it halfway through third period, and about an hour and a half after getting home from school i finished.

don't worry, i paid attention to class when we were doing things. not very enthusiastically and not always with my eyes open, but i paid attention. i'm so cool i can have my head down and eyes closed and still listen. i'z an audio-learner. aren't i special.

in other news, here's an update on my state of mind: BARG -collapse-

i've been tired and grouchy and blegh all day, and in a state of lethargy since Monday. why, i haven't an extraterrestrial clue. i took a nap yesterday afternoon after school. i never take naps during the day.

egh. not a good omen for the first week of school. >_O otherwise, the world of the pissy blonde midget is boring. for now, peace.



aaaah okay, forgive me, but I just hafta get this out. if you have an aversion to descriptions of violence and such, don't read much past the next paragraph. i won't post the link to the video 'cos it's just too disturbing. i couldn't finish watching it.

someone sent me one of those chain-letter-esque messages, stop the fur trade. it was accompanied by a video of a fur farm, somewhere I'm guessing like Russia. they're skinning foxes.

ALIVE. the foxes are still a-fucking-live (excuse the profanity but it's warranted this time). I see one moving and struggling as they pull the hide off. and they leave it alive, too. in the video one of the skinned foxes is in what looks like the bed of a truck, LOOKING AROUND. it's alive and looking around, but it has no skin.

y'know how people say they don't wanna watch but they can't look away? I had one of those moments with the skinless fox. after that I just couldn't watch anymore, I had to stop.

my inner self was curled up in the corner puking and shivering and sobbing. my outer self was about to puke. i'm still very disturbed. i'll have the image of the skinless fox burned into my mind's eye now.

i'm going to go do something else now. if someone of my readers has an affection for fox fur, i suggest you reassess your wardrobe. or at least be sure it's faux fur.

all my eloquence is gone now, since my Muse has joined my inner self in the corner. I don't blame either of them. anyway, I'll stop rambling. peace out.