

Not much today, really. I wore my new earcuff, despite occassionally getting a sore ear. I didn't mention the earcuff last entry, did I? It's kinda like an earring around the cartilage for those who don't have or want a piercing, which makes if perfect for me. It looks like a toering, really. Mine's kinda gold-ish with a gark grey bead, it's simple but pretty. Some of the more ornate ones have intricate frills that can go around the inside of the ear. Mom got one that had a chain connecting the cuff to a stud for actual piercings, it's cool-looking but must be annoying when it falls off.
School looks like this: boring civics, slightly confusing Spanish, boring-when-I-get-it-and-my-classmates-don't algebra II, and semi-interesting English X. We currently have some kind of project going for each class, and one for IB which is like, I'm told, an AP personal project. I've got a head start on this over many of my classmates, since I've already started writing mine. I've stripped everything but the plot away from Shakespear's Romeo and Juliet and re-written it in my own style.
I also have a head start on the English porject, having turned the first stage of the project in already, though it's not due 'til the eigth. The others, heh, I'll get to work on those eventually. Yes, I'm a noted proctastinator, as those who know me personally are well aware of.


KDC said...

Next time I see you you'll be all studded and pierced and pockmarked and tongue-ringed and... gaw, these kids today and their belly-button rings...


You and I need to get a tattoo together. What a wonderful sisterly-bonding experience. *grin*

Desert said...

Uh huh, I don't think so with the piercing. It smacks too much of self-mutilation for my taste.