
Whether or not you find your own way, you're bound to find some way.

"If you happen to find my way, please return it, as it was lost some years ago. I imagine by now it's quite rusty."

the school library has Phantom Tollbooth. ohmgush. i'd picked up a Steven King for AR reading for English, and i saw Phantom Tollbooth and i nearly tripped over myself getting it to the check-out desk. i got it halfway through third period, and about an hour and a half after getting home from school i finished.

don't worry, i paid attention to class when we were doing things. not very enthusiastically and not always with my eyes open, but i paid attention. i'm so cool i can have my head down and eyes closed and still listen. i'z an audio-learner. aren't i special.

in other news, here's an update on my state of mind: BARG -collapse-

i've been tired and grouchy and blegh all day, and in a state of lethargy since Monday. why, i haven't an extraterrestrial clue. i took a nap yesterday afternoon after school. i never take naps during the day.

egh. not a good omen for the first week of school. >_O otherwise, the world of the pissy blonde midget is boring. for now, peace.


Blaze said...

Haha, your world is hardly ever boring. I can do the audio stuff too, I just have the habit of staring off into space (most of the time in the teacher's direction so they think I'm raptly listening) and think of my own stuff while the info from the teacher seeps in by osmosis. Yeah, you heard me. OSMOSIS!

You'll get over your... er, "BARG" soon enough. Otherwise I shall have to intervene, and you shant like that. ^_^ I dunno, maybe you will, since you'll be un-BARG'd... who knows?

KDC said...

Baaaaaby siiiissterrrrrr don't be BARG. Read my blog and it will make you feel better. Call me and I will make you feel better.

In a certain way, I'm sure the Phantom Tollbooth...JESUS! I heard this really loud BANG and my whole apartment building just shivered and rocked! Apparently someone does not like it and is trying to knock it down.

Anyway. I have started taking long rambling walks when I am in a barg sort of mood, and they have really helped. Granted I sometimes end up lost and on the side of I-40, but I always feel better when I get home.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Licensed Poet said...

Hey, could be worse.... you could be TEACHING freshmen English. From the most scripted program in teaching history. -_-'
Picture me stuck in front of a bunch of clueless freshmen holding a book labeled Scholastic Read 180 Program and wondering how the hell I'm supposed to keep them interested without deviating from this craptastic irrelevant material.
Then I fall over my own shoes. You know how I do.
Just a thought to cheer you up. :-P

Desert said...

hey, you can't be any worse than the ST my history teacher had for a semester. -gag-
he didn't even like teaching, which made us wonder why, but i don't remember his excuse. he thought he knew everything, and was about the most arrogant person i've ever met. he seemed to think that everyone in the class was of the same ilk as the freshman who take intro to English, and not the IB/AP students we were.
granted one or three of them were intolerably ditzy, but he was impartial.

my favorite Land quote goes along the lines of, "none of you know what it is to be human. You've never gone dumpster-diving."
and we all thought, 'and you have?' unlikely.

KDC said...

Dumpster-diving is simultaneously the most disgusting and the most stimulating activity in which one can engage. I need to take you dumpster-diving.

Licensed Poet said...

I promise I'm not a self-assured jerk teacher. Much as some administrators might want me to be. XD

And Kate... I don't know what to make of that comment.
