
I'z bored

There's nothing to do so I'm making a new blog post. Whee.

I'm seriously gonna miss Huss when I graduate. Namely, one or three of the teachers.
I started off freshman year pretty much disliking Noblitt heartily, but since we've had him for all three(all four next year since enough people signed up for 20th Century History to fill two classes) years he's grown on me. I'd have something more poignant to say, but my brain is operating on half power since I only got two hours of sleep, so yeah.

And yes, David, I will read the book next time. I promise. But when you started talking about that twist at the end I just couldn't help it. You should know this by now.

And if you've got that much against yaoi fics, I suggest you not read any of mine. XD I've got seven Deathnote fics, one complete FMA, working on a second, and I'm planning at least three more. All yaoi. So there. -pokes tongue out-

Heh heh. I'z gonna has people out for my blood. Should I anticipate an attack any time soon?

1 comment:

Blaze said...

Yeah, its gonna be sad in another year when we leave behind Huss and go off to college. Especially all the teachers we like so much, like Nobblitt and Blevins. I tear up just thinking about it... T_T

I actually think the yaoi stuff's rather funny. A little odd and slightly disturbing in the case of some of the more mature stuff, but still hilarious.

If he comes, don't worry. I'm a prot specced pally. And that little slip into talking like a World of Warcraft geek means that I'll be there to take the first blow and then some. I'll tank him down till at least phase 3... darn, did it again... Better quit while I'm ahead. You get the message, I hope.