

Hmm. Time for a bit of change. New template. We'll see how this works. I'll probably change it. Ah well.

-shiftyeyes- I got nuthin'.

Aaaand I just lost. -headdesk-


Blaze said...

It looks good, I think. Dunno if its the end all template, but at least keep it for a while.

You really need something else to think about :P

Rosenkreuz said...

I agre. I think the new template rocks. Keep it for a bit and lets see how it pans out :)

Desert said...

Yeah, I know. Sad, is it not? Such is the life, or non-life as the case may be, of myself. -shrug-

Hrmm, I wonder where Seester went. Even if she had been working her anus off, I'd expect her to check back. Ah well.