

Noblitt is very good at giving me stuff that makes me think. and what i think of makes me very pissed. watching that thing by Naomi Wolf the other day in class (Patrick & Co. remember it, if you'd bothered to pay attention) started it, and reading this chapter in the Cold War book is bringing back that outrage.

here's my problem: "Those who would sacrifice their rights for safety deserve neither." i wish i could remember who Noblitt quoted when he said that. that's been in my head for the past three-ish years, because i agree wholeheartedly with it. i won't go into the rant about how much bullshit the Patriot Act and such was, but that was my problem watching the lecture documentary thing in class.

reading the Cold War book added another, similar one. when you compromise people's rights in order to defend yourselves from authoritarian governments, you become NO better than your enemies. i can't emphasize that enough. Machiavelli may have been smart, but for the love of God if you violate the Constitution, we've got some problems. the President is NOT above the law, gawddamit! -veinthrob-

Patrick, i really wish you had paid attention to that movie. this is stuff that happened in your lifetime, and will probably continue to happen. apathy is what has allowed horrible things to happen before, and if you don't learn from history's mistakes, you'll end up shit outta luck and wondering how in the hell your world just got turned upside down.

-deep breath- i needed to get that out. i was really pissing me off. now i'll finish reading my homework.


Blaze said...

Benjamin Franklin said that.

I watched, it just got kinda... well... repetitive after a while. I am in no way apathetic about any of the stuff that she was talking about. Hell, I've noticed a good bit of it myself. Just because I can't stand someone repeating the same thing over and over again doesn't make me apathetic. But whatever, as me defending myself is like using a slice of cheese to shield myself from a raging inferno, useless.

KDC said...

I love you, baby sister.

Now you go read my rant. XD