

for those who haven't heard, though i think pretty much everyone who reads my blog is also on Facebook and has thus already heard it, but the DunnWaffle is AMAZING~! chocolate pie plus warm waffle goodness equals MOUTHGASM. earlier tonight Justin and Dave and i experimented with mixing about half a DunnWaffle, about a cup of coffee and an indeterminate amount of milk with which to counteract the sugar -- and some ice to make it more smoothie-like -- and it was if possible even more amazing. i think Justin is calling it the Mocha-Waffle-Frappe, or some variation thereof. we all three supped the results of the first experiment with it, and i know right now i'm not gonna be getting to sleep anytime soon. =D

tomorrow (officially, since it's about 2:30-3:00 am on Friday) is my birthday. i've been anticipating this birthday more than i have the last few -- possibly because i've been to damn BORED that anything to look forward to is welcome. e_e or possibly because it's my 18th. legal adult and all that. either way, yeah.

lately i've discovered some awesome bands to broaden my musical tastes. Coheed and Cambria, namely -- they are awesome. Dave and RB had gotten me into A7X and Disturbed, along with some All That Remains. not to mention Papa Roach or Sixx: A.M. Shinedown as well. in general, good bands.

Journey concert in September. good up-front seats roughly $75/$85. score~! gonna buy tickets as soon as i get a paycheck to supplement the portion of grad money i'm letting myself spend. and no matter if i have to skip one day of LSIC math, i'm going to that concert! it's Journey, for crying out loud!

yeppers. classes coming up in August include Bio, Bio lab, Chem, Chem lab, Soc, and a math that they signed me up for.

... song that showed up on my playlist just now: Little Piece of Heaven by A7X. it's a song about necrophilia. so creepy, but i admit that i do like the song a lot. the tune's amazing. and it's such an Avenged Sevenfold-esque subject for a song, but somehow they pull it off without the song being freakishly disturbing. the video, as seems to be typical for A7X, leaves a bit to be desired. but i won't let the dumb videos affect my enjoyment of the songs.

anyhow. where was i before the necrophilia song distracted me? right. i'm REALLY excited to be going to UNCA~ hOMG it's gonna be so fun. i think the freedom will go to my head until i settle into the new routines. my class load and the on-campus job i hope to get will hwlp keep me occupied, 'cause everyone knows by now that a bored Ann is a lazy Ann and that is not a good thing. e_e;

OH MAH GAWD my room is clean. it hasn't been this clean in... seven, eight years? six and a half bags of trash and nine bags for Goodwill later, my room is so clean that it feels like a different room altogether. it took three days, but i'd expected it to take longer. ^_^;; but hey, it works.

and i has a lappy~~! =DDD <33333333 unfortunately, it has Vista, but even though Vista is stupid, XP is kinda outdated by now, and i have hated Macs since we had one despite Dad adoring the stupid thing, so yeah. e_e so Vista is the lesser of the evils in my personal opinion. it's got Microsoft Offive 2007, which to someone used to 2003 is CONFUSING but i'll get over it, since everyone else in the world rides the tide of "OOH look it's new and shiny, let's get it!" -rolls eyes- i'm all for the improving and changing, but just because something is new and looks cool doesn't necessarily mean it's better.

take the iPhone for example, if you'll bear with me going off on a tangent. everyone thinks they're so snazzy and awesome, but if you have one and you lose it, well shit, there went your whole life, dumbass! e_e you've not just lost your phone, but your iPod and all the apps that you've come to rely on being on hand, gone! tough luck!

honestly now. when i say cell phone, i don't mean a combination phone/camera/computer/iPod/whatever else you put on it. cellphones make calls and send text messages. if i want a hand-held music thing, i'll use my CD player or mp3 player. if i want a computer, i'll get my laptop. if i want to take a picture or record, i'll get a camera. that way, if i lose one of them, i don't lose the rest at the same time! seems fairly logical to me~

anyway. there's my rant for the wee morning hours fueled by a mixture of chocolate pie and coffee and YUM. -takes a deep breath and moves on-

like five famous people have died within the past few weeks, and i'm just waiting for the sixth. it made me sad that a musical genius like Michael Jackson died, though he was creeping me out with the looking like a white woman. o_o;; but really, people, get over it! i understand wanting to remember him for all he's contributed to society, but there's no use flogging a dead horse(no pun intended)!

buut yeah. the sun will be up in a couple of hours, so i'll quit while i'm behind and shut up.

BUT on a quick side note, people on YouTube are funny idiots. every time you get a vid on a band like A7X or Disturbed or something like that, most of the comments are people bashing one another or the song. they're hysterical! i just saw one paragraph just criticizing someone for a few typos and called it bad grammar. i couldn't resist pointing out to that person in a reply comment that their saying "alright" was improper English. XP i wonder what it'll look like tomorrow or in two days.

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