

bad week so far.

Friday night was awesome. i'm not much of a partier, but every now and then i just need to screw around until three in the morning playing mindless video games and visiting IHOP at the wee hours of the morning. we need to get Kelsie back, peeps. she was cool. DOCTOR OCTOGONOPUS BWAAH!!

i wasn't sure how to set the alarm clock on the blackjack, so it didn't go off Sunday morning when i needed to get up for work. i woke up at 7:10; that was a major OH SHIT moment. i dunno if Dad was awake, but if he was he'd have heard my profane growl to the tune of "oh fuckitall!"

so i rushed to work, getting a call from Alethea halfway there at around 7:30 so i could reassure her that i remembered i was working, i just failed at setting my alarm, please forgive me. she forgave me -- it wasn't like the horses would starve to death if i was forty-five minutes late. so i scrambled into work, glad it was unseasonably warm (for once) since for some as-yet inexplicable reason my throat felt like it was lined with sandpaper.

it turned out that the barn's resident dumbass horse Chello was a bit lame on his left front hoof, so on the orders of his mom Carol he was stall-bound. Carol's other horse Dandy was inside as well to keep Chello company, since the big ijjit flips out if he's alone in the barn. i fed those two first (meaning i ended up feeding the other three gelding in 2 at the same time since i didn't want to run the risk of Chello choking on his food AGAIN if Misha was missing from the stall next to him) and proceeded through the day in a slightly braindead blur. good thing the chores i've got in my job require little thinking. at the end i got the lovely job of mucking out Chello's and Dandy's stalls, which were both FULL of crap and piss thanks to their overnight stay. miraculously, when i wrote down my hours and worked it out, i somehow spent about the same time on it that day that i do on a normal morning shift in full possession of my wits and no full stalls to muck.

the rest of Sunday i did my level best to imitate a vegetable. i had another of my after-work epic naps, and by the time i sluggishly gathered up my stuff and made it home from the apartment at around seven-ish, i had lost the will to move and the joints in my legs seemed to hate me. i thought the flu -- LOVELY.

since Monday this whatever i've got has developed into an annoying dry cough. i think it's just an upper respiratory infection, since the weird aches i had Sunday didn't last the night. Monday and Tuesday nights the meds i took to stifle the coughing made my sleep just as sporadic. instead of draining down my throat to make me cough, the meds diverted the mucous into my nose. i dripped all night, waking up several times in time for epic sneezes that have probably crusted the edge of my bed with slick mess. i'm kinda glad it was too dark for me to see it. as i told Ma on the way to school today: i probably left slug trails all over my bed.

both Niquil and a combination of this Tylenol Cold PM stuff and melatonin did the same thing. usually melatonin knocks me out all night, but it didn't seem to be a match for my nasal explosions. both last night and the night before i woke up at around midnight and again at about four am; last night, i didn't get back to sleep, so around 5:30 i gave in and got up to take my shower. predictably, once i had gotten back out and dressed and snuggled back under the covers, i dozed off for another hour and a half or so.

so yeah. i'll probably irritate the everliving crap out of my classmates all day today with my constant hacking, like i have for the past few days. i think i gave Heather my ick, she's been sounding a bit hoarse since yesterday. where i got it, we're not sure. i have a sneaking suspicion it came from something Friday night.

1 comment:

Blaze said...

I have a sneaking suspicion that it came from your staying up so long on Friday. You always say you have a strict internal clock, so it may just be rejecting your lack of sleep and making you a little sick. Being around me for, oh, the past month probably didn't help much, since I've been sick-ish for that long. Just a guess, but it sounds like it could be right. Anyway, hope you get better soon. Love you! =D