

I think I'm getting sick, guys. I'm achy, my throat is closing up and getting sore, my sinuses are starting to leak, and I'm getting that overall feeling of "yuck" that one associates with being sick.
No headache yet, but I feel one coming on. Since the symptoms just cropped up about fourth period, it's likely something flu-like, which blows.
With the National Honor Society and Junior Marshal crap coming up, I can't afford to get sick. Fail.

Oh yeah, I'm a Junior Marshal. XD How, I'm not sure.
They called me up to the reference room fourth period yesterday, and when they called over the intercom for me I thought, 'I didn't do it!'

But I walked in and the lady handed me the packet, and when I read what it said I thought, 'Junior Marshal? Are you flippin' serious? 'Oly crap!' But it blows 'cos I hafta wear a dress for the Baccalaureate service and graduation. And not just any dress: no, they're making me wear a white dress.
Ann doesn't wear dresses. She didn't wear one to prom, for the luvva! And only on rare occasions does Ann wear white. I have no white pants, and only one white shirt that I only wear 'cos it's got the Royal lion on it in London flag colors. But asking me to wear a white dress? They're pushing it.
-sigh- But if I'm a Junior Marshal, I'll deal. I'll only have to wear it once or twice, after all.

At the moment, I don't have the energy to go into detail about prom, since my brain is slowly being enveloped by the sick-fog. So for now, peace owt.


I'z bored

There's nothing to do so I'm making a new blog post. Whee.

I'm seriously gonna miss Huss when I graduate. Namely, one or three of the teachers.
I started off freshman year pretty much disliking Noblitt heartily, but since we've had him for all three(all four next year since enough people signed up for 20th Century History to fill two classes) years he's grown on me. I'd have something more poignant to say, but my brain is operating on half power since I only got two hours of sleep, so yeah.

And yes, David, I will read the book next time. I promise. But when you started talking about that twist at the end I just couldn't help it. You should know this by now.

And if you've got that much against yaoi fics, I suggest you not read any of mine. XD I've got seven Deathnote fics, one complete FMA, working on a second, and I'm planning at least three more. All yaoi. So there. -pokes tongue out-

Heh heh. I'z gonna has people out for my blood. Should I anticipate an attack any time soon?


HOMG Josh Groban LOL

For the past almost year, every time someone mentions the name Josh Groban within my hearing I've cracked up. Some people have been rather disturbed by this, and I don't blame them. Others have been perplexed, but I just wave a hand and say "long story." But I swear to those of you who've never seen it, if anyone mentions Josh Groban I really do crack up.

It happened when I was over in Cambridge. I ended up in this little group of friends(me, Hannah from Virginia, Lesette the Mexican lesbian from Texas, Trish the bi from like Chicago or something, and Jo I forget where she's from) who every night or so would have a "party in -insertnamehere-'s room!" Being the one with by far the biggest room, and the only one with a mini-fridge, the parties moved to my room pretty consistently.

Someone, bless their heart, bought a bag of balloons. At first we started blowing them up in Jo's room(because Jo for some unknown reason had a piano in her room), but when the parties moved to my room so did the balloons.

Given that our minds were irreversibly deep in the gutter, we of course had to compare the balloons to testicles and penises. And we had to say whose they were.
One particular big blue one(one I blew up, I'm proud to say) became God's testicle. Jesus has one, Muhammad, and a few others I can't remember. We had Neo(Trish's boyfriend)'s and Jesus' penis, too. But one of the balloons, I forget the color, was Josh Groban's testicle. And for some reason while I react to none of the others, Josh Groban is the name that reminds me of that and sets me off.

Buuut yeah. Needless to say, we stayed up far too late at each one of these parties in Ann's room, and were far too loud though the chick in the room next to mine was a bitch anyhow(don't get me started) so I didn't give a flying rat's anal orifice if we kept Tori up.
But yeah. I have lots of fun in Cambridge with my posse.

Have you peeps heard the laundry escapade? You haven't? I'll explain it later. I need to go to bed that the moment. Peace.



This is what US History does to me. X_x You peeps who have it with Noblitt have the assignment for homework tonight with that quiz thinger, right? Well I took it, and was rather intrigued by my results. I expected myself to be more neutral and closer to the middle, but according to this quiz I'm smack in the middle of the liberal half(10 out of 40, where 40 is ultra-conservative and 0 is ultra-liberal).

What did you guys get? Here's a link to the quiz for those who didn't have to do this for homework. I'm really curious now.

In other news, I think the peeps in PreCal shut their brains off when they walk into that class. I mean come on, the warm-up was so bloody obvious.
Kimmel gave us O, T, T, F and told us to find the next five letters in the sequence. I stared at it and messed around with the numbers (like O is the 15th letter and T is the 20th), but then the answer hit me and I thought "D'OH!" Apparently I was the first one to get the answer. By the time the others started pestering Kimmel big time for the answers two or three others had figured it out, and she'd already written the next five up: F, S, S, E, N.
"What's the 67th term?"
"83rd term?"
And people still didn't get it. My thought at that point: Oh my frekkin' God you people are DUMB!
Eighty-three, Sixty-seven, Ninety-five, Thirty-eight... it was so obvious.

I ended up having to write One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine on a few people's papers to show them. Oy. -headdesk-