

My friend David's not doing so well. He posted on his blog about some shit he's had to deal with. He asked everyone who read it to reply, so I spilled my guts. Reading his blog post and typing my reply almost brought tears to my eyes.

It just shows to go that life is a roller coaster, with ups and downs. Rarely a flat path, always bumps and curves. The trick in life is to accept the bad days with grace, accept the good days with joy, and reflect on your life without bitterness, but understanding. Understanding that not all your life will be spent in a happy bubble. Understanding that there will be shit to deal with, and dealing with that shit will make you, in the end, a better person. What doesn't kill you helps you, and with that sort of thing it really does. It gives you a new perspective, a level of empathy for your fellow humans. It helps you understand the people around you, and if you do that, life is easier. If you have people that you understand and that understand you around, they can help you through the shit, and can be better for it with you.

So, until I get struck with more deep stuff or the normal randomness, peace out.


Mer Chrshms

Even though it's hardly December and by my standards the Christmas season doesn't truly begin until roughly December 15th, I need to get an idea about what peeps want.

You Neo D.I.E peeps, if you don't at least give me an idea, I know where you go to school. -shakes fist-